What seniors did this summer

Carthage’s rising seniors have ignited their passions this summer! 看看他们的校园经历是如何给他们信心去实现下一个目标的.

保罗·布斯,25岁 深入护理


Nurse Extern at UW Health in Madison
主要: 护理

今年夏天,保罗在MedSurg浮水池做了一名实习护士,这让他在麦迪逊大学医院的许多环境中获得了普通护理的实践经验. 最重要的是,他仍然可以平衡工作和生活,与家人和朋友共度时光.

How did his Carthage experiences prepare him for this opportunity?
The professors provided guidance (和 recommendations!) to prepare him for a summer externship.

What excites Paul about his senior year?
博彩网址大全, Paul can both be a nursing student 和 a 学生运动员. 他期待着在男子游泳队和跳水队的最后一个赛季重返泳池. 然后在春季学期,他将进入临床浸入式课程!

With small class sizes 和 approachable faculty, 保罗觉得他已经能够真正记住他在护理课程中学到的东西. “当我毕业后开始我的职业生涯时,我相信我有能力对我的病人产生积极的影响.”


Swimming in Knowledge

Brennen de Jong ' 25

主要: 化学
小: 生物学

夏季为像Brennen de Jong这样的学生提供了深入研究的时间. Through the University of Minnesota, 布伦南将研究为什么北大西洋的铁同位素含量很高. 正如布伦南解释的那样, “我计划描述北大西洋中控制配体介导的尘埃溶解和铁同位素分异的过程.”

How did his Carthage experiences prepare him for this opportunity?
He is working in an analytical chemistry lab this summer, 所以他很感激他作为化学实验室助理学到的东西 约翰·柯克教授 taught him in the instrumental analysis course.

Professor Christine Blaine, his faculty advisor, helped him acquire this summer internship.

“教授. 到目前为止,布莱恩对我在博彩网址大全的影响最大, 和 I am very thankful to have her as my advisor.”

What excites Brennen about his senior year?
Let’s see what the future holds! 在完成本科学业和毕业之前,他很高兴能和博彩网址大全的朋友们一起出去玩!

小尺寸让布伦南能够了解化学系的教员. And, Lake Michigan has a soothing aura!

特勒尔T. 富兰克林的25 创造力

特勒尔T. 富兰克林的25

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
主要: 英语Creative Writing Emphasis
未成年人: 电影 & 新媒体心理学

作为一个 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) 参与者, Terrell will focus on a screenwriting project, “创作思辨叙事:流媒体时代的剧本创作。,” under the guidance of Professor Jojin Van Winkle. SURE允许学生在校园里进行为期10周的全职研究工作. 他还在拍摄一些短片,并出版了他的第二部小说.

How did his Carthage experiences prepare him for this opportunity?

What excites Terrell about his senior year?
大四时,他将自编自导首部故事片! 这结合了他喜欢做的所有事情,并将给他带来帮助他脱颖而出的经验.

博彩网址大全,特雷尔已经融入了一群有着同样动力和激情的同龄人中. 他可以做文学出版和电影制作之类的事情.


艾米莉·哈夫曼,25岁 Developing Performance Skills


Working for Waukesha Civic Theatre
主要: 音乐剧自行设计 (指导)

沃克夏市民剧院聘请艾米丽担任暑期学院的讲师. 她教4-14岁的学生发展他们的表演技巧,并在最后的表演中达到高潮! 这份工作使她能够运用她对音乐剧的热爱,以及她在博彩网址大全学到的领导能力和戏剧技巧.

How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?
作为一名博彩网址大全学生,艾米丽沉浸在学生时代的经历中, 演员, 导演, 教师的, 和 student employee. All of this combined has helped her to develop leadership skills, learn teaching styles 和 methods, 并获得一个随时可以提供帮助的支持者网络.

What excites Emily about her senior year?
高三是艾米丽真正将她的知识付诸实践的时候. 她将完成她的论文项目,同时继续发展她的手艺.

Emily has been able to compete as a 火鸟运动员, 环游世界, 首演新的戏剧作品,并从博彩网址大全教职员工获得令人难以置信的支持和指导. “Carthage has been the best school for me! 它使我发展成为一个多才多艺的戏剧艺术家.”


Future Educator Inspires Curious Campers


Teaching at a summer camp
主要: Broad Field Social Science 中等教育
未成年人: 社会学中等教育

Working at a summer camp is a perfect fit for Kiannah, who loves watching kids exp和 their knowledge. She supports students as they explore art, sports, 和 science.


How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?
Carthage’s Education Department 和 her involvement 与 the Office of 股本 和 包容 让吉安娜更好地理解孩子们有不同的心态, 文化, 和感受.

“我不仅了解了儿童和人类的多样性, 还有如何理解这些美丽的差异并将其联系起来.”

What excites Kiannah about her senior year?
她将有一个繁忙的大四学生教学在春天和担任总裁 黑人学生会.



奥利维亚·利顿,25岁 Small School, Big Opportunities


j学期游学 去纽约
主要: 音乐剧

In the summer before her senior year, 奥利维亚有两次难忘的经历:去纽约游学和在卡巴莱风格的表演中表演. “I have always wanted to go to New York.”

What excites Olivia about her senior year?


“Carthage was exactly what I was looking for.”

达娜埃·帕尔默,25岁 发现X和au


Working 和 preparing for the fall musical “X和au”
主要: 音乐剧公共关系

Realizing this is the last summer before entering the “real world,” Danae chose to work a stress-free job at Culver’s. This gives her time to dog-sit 和 visit family. 她还在花时间准备今年秋天演出的《博彩网址大全》(Xanadu).

How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?
Being a double major in musical theatre 和 public relations, she has become more social 和 expressive. She leaves her summer job at Culver’s happy. She finds joy in providing a good experience for the customers.

What excites Danae about her senior year?
她为她的高级独奏会感到兴奋,这是她音乐剧学位的一部分. “我为自己取得的进步感到骄傲,我很高兴能把我所有的作品都展示出来!”

她确实与她的音乐剧和公共关系教授有联系. “Carthage provided a fantastic learning environment.”

杰西卡·罗莎25岁 急切的旅行者


Traveled abroad to Spain
主要: Allied Health Science (Pre-OT)
小: 西班牙语

Spending three weeks in Spain through a j项 游学使杰西卡有机会沉浸在西班牙文化中. 在博彩网址大全, 她主修职业前治疗的联合健康科学,同时辅修西班牙语.

How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?
杰西卡学到的宝贵的生活技能和课程帮助她变得更加独立和负责任. 她期待着在大四的时候利用博彩网址大全的机会和资源. 她在博彩网址大全的西班牙语老师“种下了好奇心的种子,帮助我前进了一大步.”


凯莉·瓦格纳,25岁 A Good Balance of Work 和 Fun


Job at Doctor of Physical Therapy 和 Spine
主要: Allied Health Science (物理治疗)
小: 心理学

在物理治疗和脊柱医生工作不仅仅是一份暑期工作. 凯利在物理治疗领域获得的经验超出了她在校期间所学的知识. 大四前的那个夏天,她参加了一些有趣的音乐会、婚礼和纳什维尔之旅. When she returns to campus, 她已经准备好作为联合健康科学导师帮助新生, to play on the women’s lacrosse team, 和 work toward her goal of attending PT school.

How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?
Kailey appreciates how her advisor, 阿什丽格林伍德, 回答了她的每一个问题,并为她提供了指导——尤其是现在凯利开始考虑读研的选择. Plus, she has gotten to work in the athletic training room.

What excites Kailey about her senior year?
再次体验一切:第一天的紧张, making new friends in class, 和 playing on the women’s lacrosse team.

She considers Carthage to be the perfect size. 她遇到了最好的朋友,可以一起去上课,也很感激老师能叫出她的名字. “博彩网址大全对我来说是最好的,因为它符合我所有的特点,给我带来了很多快乐.”

贾斯汀·惠勒25岁 Solving Mysteries of the Universe


Summer intern at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
主要: 物理
小: 数学

作为一个n intern at Fermilab, 贾斯汀在粒子物理部门协助进行深地下中微子实验.

“My day-to-day activities include exploring neutrino physics, developing machine-learning skills, simulating particle interactions, 并与超过35个国家的物理学家合作.”

How did his Carthage experiences prepare him for this opportunity?
每一次经历都是他走向现在的垫脚石. The summer after Justin’s freshman year, he worked in the 空间科学 实验室在 Professor Kevin Crosby. The next summer he interned at NASA Glenn Research Center.


What excites Justin about his senior year?
作为一名大四学生,贾斯汀期待着探索可能的职业道路,学习更多的物理知识. 他还将担任攀岩俱乐部和他的兄弟会Delta Upsilon的主席. He plans to play spike ball 与 his friends, too!

Entering Carthage as an 工程科学 major, he soon realized that physics was more exciting to him. 由于博彩网址大全的社会关系紧密,换专业对他来说轻而易举. Also, research in the 空间科学 labs opened doors.


阿利什·麦吉尼斯,25岁 世界在等待

Alish麦吉尼斯 ’25

Working as a professional student nurse intern 和
as a research intern

主要: 护理

Alish在UW Health Northern Illinois急诊科实习专业学生护士,练习她的护理技能. 她也是一名研究实习生,作为教师创新资助的一部分,为癌症幸存者开发和评估Trinity应用程序. 此外,她还是一个世界旅行家,夏天会去弗吉尼亚、多米尼加共和国和爱尔兰旅行!

How did her Carthage experiences prepare her for this opportunity?

What excites Alish about her senior year?
A j学期游学 in Norway 和 Sweden! 比较卫生系统:优先事项和观点j学期课程将教她历史, 政治, 经济学, 社会价值观, 以及这两个斯堪的纳维亚国家的医疗服务模式.

教职员工与学生的比例使博彩网址大全成为最好的大学,因为她与教授关系密切,总是能得到成功所需的帮助. 她获得的技能将对她未来的病人产生影响.


亨特·斯托特'25 Real Projects, Real Impact

亨特·斯托特' 25

Internship 与 Engineered Exhaust Systems
主要: 工程

亨特在工程排气系统公司(EES)实习的第一天就投入了一个项目。. 他设计了一个旋转木马来推动仓库推车,以测试推车的耐久性. 他还与设计团队合作,为大型园林绿化设备提供工程解决方案, 说, “这表明,工程师几乎可以解决他们遇到的任何问题.”

How did his Carthage experiences prepare him for this opportunity?
亨特在大二的时候转到了博彩网址大全,起初他感到有点迷茫. 博彩网址大全人对他的支持帮助他缩小了研究范围. Through his engineering courses, 他实践了工程设计过程——一步一步地进行,以确保考虑到项目的各个方面. The classroom experience introduced him to EES. 大学也让他有信心搬到华盛顿港过暑假, which has been fun to explore.

What excites Hunter about his senior year?
过去的几年飞逝而过,亨特现在正在考虑他的下一步. 首先,他将把他在EES学到的东西应用到他的高级顶点项目中. 几年前, he may not have believed he’d ever be ready to apply for jobs, 但他现在很兴奋地投递简历,并考虑大学毕业后的工作.




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